Visit the theater

"Discover the world's smallest theater."

Apertura per Visite

Giorni e orari di visita


Dalle 15.00 alle 18.00




📍Inoltre è aperto anche:

  • Sabato 26 Ottobre –  Mattina: dalle 10.00 alle 12.30


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They talk about us

S. Bortolo
Recensione di Tripadvisor
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The small village of Monte Castello di Vibio, already charming in itself, hides this gem. The tiny Italian-style theater, the smallest in the world, gives a sense of intimacy and makes you want to attend a performance. A special thanks to the volunteers who take care of it and share its history with us. A visit is absolutely recommended!
Serena M.
Recensione di Tripadvisor
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Little gem to visit! Marta, our guide, is extremely kind and knowledgeable. This association deserves a perfect 10 for their dedication. It deserves more attention from the Umbria region. The charming village and friendly locals make it even more special.
Fiore S.
Recensione da Google+
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What to say, a tiny theater but so full of details, passion, and history. Very well-maintained, it can be visited with the assistance of a guide, who is also very kind. A small and wonderful piece of Italian history that deserves more space in our modern world.

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